Welcome to the official home of Alkhemi Therapy!
alkhemi therapy
…a psycho-spiritual system of natural healing and self-empowerment with its roots in the sacred wisdom traditions of ancient Egypt.

“These ancient and sacred archetypes are universal and can be used today in a profound and powerful way for self-empowerment and spiritual growth.”
~ Jacqui Taliesin El Masry
therapy tools
…amuletic jewellery, therapy stones and anointing oils, all empowered in sacred ceremony with the archetypal energies of Alkhemi Therapy.

“It is hardly an exaggeration to say that most Egyptian jewellery had amuletic value.”
~ Magic in Ancient Egypt, Geraldine Pinch
alkhemi sacred art
…visionary art inspired by ancient Egyptian symbolic iconography.

“The aim of art is not to represent the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance.”
~ Aristotle
alkhemi yoga
…blends elements of holistic, flowing yoga and sacred dance with the principles of Alkhemi Therapy.

“There are many parallels in the symbolism of yogic philosophy and that of ancient Egypt.”
~ Jacqui Taliesin El Masry
alkhemi travel
…spiritual journeys and yoga retreats in the sacred land of Egypt.

"Concerning Egypt I will now speak at length, because nowhere are there seen so many marvellous things, nor in the whole world beside are there to be seen so many things of unspeakable greatness."
~ The Histories, Herodotus
Alkhemi Therapy has been created by myself, Jacqui Taliesin El Masry, and as such is unique amongst healing modalities.
Alkhemi Therapy has been developed over more than two decades of intuitive shamanic work with ancient Egyptian sacred archetypes (deities) who volunteered their participation and consented to their wisdom being used in this way.
Alkhemi Therapy is not a reconstruction of ancient Egyptian religion; neither was it practised in this form in ancient times. It is a contemporary pathworking system, designed to be relevant to life in the 21st century.
In Alkhemi Therapy, the word “healing” is used to describe a process - “a movement towards wholeness and health” - not an instant miraculous cure from the symptoms of disease.
About language: When I started this journey 25 years ago, I used ancient Egyptian names for the deities, but as the ancient Greek names are more commonly used, this proved to be confusing for students. We don’t know exactly how the ancient Egyptian language was pronounced and many variations are used, so in the interest of clarity I decided to use the ancient Greek names where they are more commonly known. This has not affected the energy frequencies, probably because my motive and intention was clear and genuine.
There is currently no definitive, universally accepted scientific theory to explain how I received the information which forms the principles of Alkhemi Therapy, nor how its methods can bring about equilibrium in the human body-field. However, scholars have been debating and exploring the nature of consciousness for many years. Transpersonal psychology and “non-ordinary states of awareness” are recognised areas of study, and in fact I wrote my Master’s thesis on shamanic states of consciousness. I remain optimistic that scholarly research and subjective exploration may one day provide measurable answers to the question of how consciousness arises.
Alkhemi Therapy is one way of working with the energy frequencies of ancient Egypt, but it is not the only way. I offer this system with an open heart, and a genuine desire that you accept only that which resonates deeply with your own purpose in this life.
Alkhemi Therapy has no known side-effects and can be used safely by everyone. However, if you have a serious health problem you are strongly advised to consult your doctor or a qualified health practitioner.
This is the ONLY official authorised website for all information relating to Alkhemi Therapy.
Alkhemi® is a registered trademark.