alkhemi anointing oils
“Perfume as we know it could not have taken shape without alchemy, the ancient art that undertook to convert raw matter, through a series of transformations, into a perfect and purified form. Perfume straddles the line between the tangible and the intangible, the earthly and the ethereal, the real and the magic. The transcendental properties of fragrance were recognized as far back in history as we can trace. Indeed, the earliest perfumers we know of were Egyptian priests.”
~ Essence and Alchemy - a book of perfume, Mandy Aftel
The range of Alkhemi Anointing Oils is a unique concept created by Jacqui Taliesin El Masry. It begins with the bespoke blending of organic essential and vegetable oils for each customer, working solely with ingredients known to have been used in ancient Egypt. The bottles of oil are then empowered with the sacred symbols/archetypes of ancient Egypt, and attuned to each individual customer in a sacred shamanic ceremony, according to the principles of Alkhemi Therapy.
Alkhemi Anointing Oils are available to buy in the Alkhemi Bazaar. Go here!
It is almost impossible to overstate the importance of fragrant oils, unguents (ointments) and incense in ancient Egypt. They were made used in ceremony even in Predynastic times (before 3010 BCE). The Pyramid Texts, the oldest religious writings in the world, speak of Seven Sacred Oils, one of which was Cedarwood. These oils were used in daily religious and magical temple rituals as well as in the healing arts. The deities (gods and goddesses) were said to be the most fragrant beings imaginable, and the temple statues were anointed daily with perfume. It is said that during his reign, Ramses III offered more than 16,000 jars of perfume to the gods.
Natural oils and plants were also used extensively in funerary rituals. Archeologists have estimated that when the young pharaoh Tutankhamun was mummified, two bucketfuls of scented oils were poured over his body. His mummified form was swathed with flower garlands of olive leaves, cornflowers and blue lotus, and was surrounded by perfume jars containing 350 litres of perfume.
As the art of distillation was not discovered until the 4th century CE, fragrant oils in ancient Egypt were created by infusing oils and fats with fragrant flowers, roots, woods, resins and seeds. The Egyptian climate was perfectly suited to produce many of the desired ingredients, but others were imported from far-off lands such as Syria, India and Persia. We know about these ingredients from ancient texts, wall paintings, reliefs, arts and crafts, and also from the actual remains of oils and unguents found in excavations.
The most important scented plant in ancient Egypt, both in mythology and in sacred ceremony, was nymphaea caerulea. Actually a waterlily, it is commonly known as the blue lotus. Its fragrance, said to be a mild euphoric, was a favourite of priestesses, and the blue flowers were often worn on a headband over-hanging the brow. Rising up through the sacred lakes from the dark soil, and turning its face to the morning sun, the blue lotus symbolises every element - earth, water, air, fire. The personification of the blue lotus was the youthful god Nefertem. In the Pyramid Texts he is called “the lotus blossom which is before the nose of Ra”.
Alkhemi Anointing Oils contain a base of castor oil and moringa oil (both extensively used in ancient Egypt) and the essential oil of flowers, seeds, woods and resins. Although true essential oils were not available in ancient Egypt, they contain the concentrated essences of plants, and as such they are the perfect way to reproduce the sacred fragrances.
"Scents were believed to originate from the gods in the first place, to have sprung from their eyes or their bones, in particular the eye of the sun-god Ra."
~ Sacred Luxuries, Lise Manniche
We respond consciously and unconsciously to fragrance on every level: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Some fragrances are relaxing, others are energising; some are soothing to the nervous system, others activate the psychic centres. Alkhemi Anointing Oils have been created to be used for their balancing and healing effects, rather than as perfumes or massage oils, although with their natural fragrances they do smell utterly divine!
Alkhemi Anointing Oils are made with 100% organic or wildcrafted ingredients, which have been sourced from ethical companies and they are 100% cruelty-free.
Alkhemi Anointing Oils contain only oils known to have been used in ancient Egypt.
One 5ml bottle lasts approximately 3 months with daily use, but they can be used for up to 2 years.
Alkhemi Anointing Oils can be used safely every day for extended periods. They have been designed to work holistically with the wisdom of your body-field (body and energy field). They have an adaptogenic effect which means they will always work to bring balance and alignment, and cannot be “over-used”.
Each Alkhemi Anointing Oil balances a particular energy centre (chakra) and has a specific purpose, which is encapsulated in the choice of ingredients, the colour of the bottle, and the sacred symbols with which it has been empowered. Blended into a carrier oil of organic moringa and castor oil are (amongst other ingredients): Myrtle, Sweet Flag, Opponax, Cistus (Star centre); Sandalwood (Crown centre); Blue Lotus (Brow centre); Frankincense (Throat centre); Mimosa (Heart centre); Myrrh (Solar centre); Cinnamon (Sacral centre); Cedarwood (Root centre); Cumin, Coriander, Cardamom, Anise (Earth centre).
Every bottle of Alkhemi Anointing Oil is individually prepared, and empowered in a sacred shamanic ceremony. Once created, your Anointing Oil, it is placed in my powerful Crystal Grid for 3 consecutive days where it is attuned to your body-field (body and energy field).
Each item is sold with a Alkhemi Symbol Card. When not using your Anointing Oil, placing it on the card will clear any unwanted energies and also recharge it.
Each Alkhemi Anointing Oil has a specific purpose, which is encapsulated in the choice of ingredients, the colour of the bottle and the sacred archetypes (deities and symbols) with which it is empowered. For example, the Brow Centre oil (left) carries the vibrational frequency of the goddess Isis, goddess of wisdom, high magic and sacred love. It contains the absolute oil of Blue Lotus, revered in ancient Egypt and used in ceremonies to attain higher consciousness. Working with this oil at the Brow centre will balance intellect and intuition, stimulate sacred vision and help to draw back the veil of illusion that prevents us from perceiving the world in its truest form.