Alkhemi Therapy is a psycho-spiritual system of natural healing and self-empowerment, a path of contemporary spirituality with its roots in the sacred wisdom traditions of ancient Egypt.

At the White Chapel, Karnak Temple

At the White Chapel, Karnak Temple

Alkhemi Therapy is unique amongst healing modalities. It has been created and developed by myself, Jacqui Taliesin El Masry, over the last twenty-five years, through a combination of intuitive shamanic work, research into ancient Egyptian spiritual traditions, and many personal journeys to Egypt.

Egypt is a land of magic and mystery. Even in ancient times it was renowned as a place of pilgrimage and famed for its Mystery Schools and countless sacred monuments. Mystics and scholars from around the world travelled to Egypt in the hope of attaining timeless wisdom. The ancient Egyptians were guided by a sophisticated, time-honoured spiritual tradition which determined every aspect of their lives. They believed the Earth to be a physical manifestation of Heaven, a living symbol of the inner spiritual world, and as such everything was considered sacred. Human existence was understood as a continual quest to align the physical and the divine. This was accomplished by forming meaningful relationships with their deities, which they regarded as the personification of natural principles and archetypal forces. This profound and sacred approach to life was known as “the intelligence of the heart”.

In April 2000, I made the first of many incredible journeys to Egypt. I was immediately captivated by the country, both ancient and modern. Since then, I’ve visited Egypt twenty-three times (so far!) and lived in Luxor for a year. Researching ancient Egyptian spiritual traditions, and working intuitively and shamanically with the deities of ancient Egypt has been my passion and my life’s work. Through this process I discovered a remarkable truth:

These ancient teachings are universal, and can be used today in a profound and powerful way for self-empowerment and spiritual growth.

From the signposts of my own healing journey a psycho-spiritual system evolved, a practical but deeply transformational process which draws on the sacred wisdom teachings of ancient Egypt to:

  • Access healing energy

  • Re-member our connection to Source

  • Bring us into alignment with the forces of nature and our Infinite Self

There are two main principles of Alkhemi Therapy:

1: It allows us to consciously access an unlimited supply of intelligent, beneficial universal energy in a safe, simple and natural way. The energy flows into our body-field (body and energy field) and is drawn through our hands to whoever, whatever or wherever it's needed: people, pets, plants, places, planets, relationships, situations or issues. The energy is accessed by using intention and by the use of symbols, usually hieroglyphs. Bringing in these higher or faster frequencies of energy raises the overall vibrational level in the body-field, which uses the higher frequency energy as a kind of super-fuel for clearing blocked or stagnant energy, and/or rejuvenating and replenishing areas of lower energy. In ancient Egypt, this energy was known as “heka”.

2: Uniquely, it proposes a psycho-spiritual template in which ancient Egyptian metaphysical archetypes (gods and goddesses) are associated with specific areas of the human body-field. Working consciously with the sacred principles of this template supports your natural healing processes, balancing and transforming any physical, emotional, mental or spiritual issues. This then naturally impacts the the physical body.

The first is a natural intuitive technique, and in its simplest form can happen even without a deliberate connection to the energy. The second is a more intentional approach which involves a certain amount of commitment to the process. It can involve meditation, shamanic journeying, yoga, sacred dance, invocation, story-telling, sacred ritual and ceremony (including the Blue Lotus Ceremony), sound healing (drumming and rattling), and the use of specifically empowered therapy stones, crystal jewellery, anointing oils and balms.

As much as Alkhemi Therapy is a natural healing method which you can use to help others, it is also a personal pathworking system for self-empowerment and spiritual growth.

From the Theban Hills, looking across the floodplain towards Luxor. The Nile can be seen in the distance.

From the Theban Hills, looking across the floodplain towards the Nile.

The ancient Egyptians called their country kemet, (kmt) '“the black land”, a reference to the fertile soil along the Nile. (The mountainous desert, on either side of the fertile plateau, was “the red land”, or deshret.) Early Arab settlers called it “Al Khem”, from which it is said the words “alchemy” and “chemistry” are derived. Alchemy, often regarded as the process of changing base metals into gold, is also the process of refining our essential selves. Over many years of teaching Egyptian healing, I have been amazed at how often it initiated a profound, personal transformation in my students.

As the system developed, its transformational nature perfectly reflected the alchemical process. The word “Alkhemi” came to me intuitively around 2004, and seemed supremely suited to the system. For the name, I avoided using “healing” because many people associate that word with an instant miraculous cure from the symptoms of disease. In Alkhemi Therapy, “healing” is used to describe a process - “a movement towards wholeness and health”. I chose to use the word “Therapy” because I wanted to emphasise that the system is a process, which ideally involves a certain amount of involvement from the client/recipient. And I describe Alkhemi Therapy as a “system” rather than a “method”, because whereas a method infers a strictly linear process, a system offers many options and choices.

So, the meaning of “Alkhemi Therapy” could be interpreted as “an ancient Egyptian transformational system/process”.

“It is here, and nowhere else, that the roots of alchemy lie. Alchemy traces its descent back to the priestly art of the ancient Egyptians. The oldest extant alchemical drawings are on Egyptian papyri.”

~ Alchemy, Titus Burckhardt

The illustration above shows the 13 groups. Please note that on this chart, the colours indicate groups and do not relate to the colours of the individual centres; for example, on this chart all the Nine Primary Centres are shown in red.

In Alkhemi Therapy, we work with a template of 59 esoteric energy centres (also known as chakras) in and around the human body-field. Energy centres are psycho-spiritual transformers that change spiritual energy into psycho-physical energy and vice versa. Each of the 59 centres serves a particular function in the body-field. Each is linked with a sacred archetype, symbol, colour, stone/crystal and affirmation. The Nine Primary Centres also have an associated anointing oil.

For example: the Brow Centre (located in the centre of the forehead) is connected with the goddess Isis and her hieroglyph; the colour royal blue; lapis lazuli; and the blue lotus. It’s affirmation is “I perceive”. Its essence is wisdom; and its process is revelation.

Of the 59 centres, 26 of these are located as single centres along the Central Energy Channel. However, 31 form pairs which balance each other at either side of the Central Energy Channel (i.e. 62) and 2 form groups of 4 (i.e. 8). This makes a total of 96 energy centres. Although this may seem extremely complex at first glance, the system is structured in three levels, or Gates, with each level moving deeper into the Mysteries. At the First Gate, or Foundation Level, we work with the Nine Primary Energy Centres only. These Nine Primary Centres form a template which can be used as a stand-alone system, with all the subsequent energy centres representing a more subtle expression of the Primary Nine.

The centres are divided into 13 groups depending on their function: Primaries; Secondaries; Directions/Elements; Major Joints; Gateways; Sons of Horus; Stabilisers; Systems; Cosmic Powers; Connectors; Other Worlds; Heart Matrix; Heart Extenders.

Some centres work particularly well together and these form circuits through which energy flows in all directions. In reality, there are an infinite number of circuits but some particularly useful ones are: Manifestation/Nature; Stability; Grounding; Expansion; Nervous System Support; Movement; Vitality; Confidence; Fertility; Support; Boundaries; Calming; Compassion; Emotional Release; Family Wounding; Intuition; Ancestors; Underworld (unconscious mind); Sacred Feminine; Sacred Masculine; Communication; Beginnings; Change; Anxiety Soother; Rising Sun.

Illustration shows the Compassion Circuit.

Alkhemi Therapy Compassion Circuit

“Egyptian gods and goddesses are the divine impulses that reveal themselves in the natural world and in the body. [They] operate on a psychological level, as well as a spiritual level; that is they are not only the creators of patterns but the holders of patterns, the embodiment of an ancient consciousness. They served as dynamic archetypes and motivating principles to which the ancient Egyptians consciously attuned themselves.”

~ Jean Houston


Anyone can learn how to work with this ancient and sacred energy. Alkhemi Therapy awakens the transformational power within.

Alkhemi Therapy is presented in three levels:

  • First Gate (Foundation Level): for use with family and friends

  • Second Gate (Practitioner Level): for professional use

  • Third Gate (Advanced Practitioner Level): for advanced professional use

No previous experience is needed and it’s not necessary to complete all levels. The First Gate introduces the Nine Primary Energy Centres (chakras) and foundational principles, and forms a template which can be used as a stand-alone system. It contains the basics of Egyptian energy healing, with subsequent levels taking you deeper into the Egyptian Mysteries, building into a complete personal and spiritual development course. All levels are experiential with practical energy-work exercises, guided visualisations and the opportunity to practise healing techniques. With each course you will receive an Empowerment Initiation Ceremony, a certificate and a comprehensive colour manual.

The Empowerment Initiation Ceremony, is performed in person, or at a distance (for online courses). It takes the form of a guided visualisation, during which the teacher places sacred symbols in your body-field, creating a clear pathway through which the energy can flow. Many people feel profoundly moved as they experience the energy for the first time.

“Seek not the paths of the ancients; seek that which the ancients sought.” ~ Matsuo Basho


  • Alkhemi Therapy has been created by myself, Jacqui Taliesin El Masry, and as such is unique amongst healing modalities.

  • Alkhemi Therapy has been developed over more than two decades of intuitive shamanic work with ancient Egyptian sacred archetypes (deities) who volunteered their participation and consented to their wisdom being used in this way. 

  • Alkhemi Therapy is not a reconstruction of ancient Egyptian religion; neither was it practised in this form in ancient times. It is a contemporary pathworking system, designed to be relevant to life in the 21st century.

  • In Alkhemi Therapy, the word “healing” is used to describe a process - “a movement towards wholeness and health” - not an instant miraculous cure from the symptoms of disease.

  • About language: When I started this journey 25 years ago, I used ancient Egyptian names for the deities, but as the ancient Greek names are more commonly used, this proved to be confusing for students. We don’t know exactly how the ancient Egyptian language was pronounced and many different variations are used, so in the interest of clarity I decided to use the ancient Greek names where they are more commonly known. This has not affected the energy frequencies, probably because my motive and intention was clear and genuine.

  • There is currently no definitive, universally accepted scientific theory to explain how I received the information which forms the principles of Alkhemi Therapy, nor how its methods can bring about equilibrium in the human body-field. However, scholars have been debating and exploring the nature of consciousness for many years. Transpersonal psychology and “non-ordinary states of awareness” are recognised areas of study, and in fact I wrote my Master’s thesis on shamanic states of consciousness. I remain optimistic that scholarly research and subjective exploration may one day provide measurable answers to the question of how consciousness arises.

  • Alkhemi Therapy is one way of working with the energy frequencies of ancient Egypt, but it is not the only way. I offer this system with an open heart, and a genuine desire that you accept only that which resonates deeply with your own purpose in this life. 

  • Alkhemi Therapy has no known side-effects and can be used safely by everyone. However, if you have a serious health problem you are strongly advised to consult your doctor or a qualified health practitioner. 

  • This is the ONLY official authorised website for all information relating to Alkhemi Therapy.

  • Alkhemi® is a registered trademark.

I’m currently working on the online version of Alkhemi Therapy First Gate.

watch this space or contact me to be notified when the course goes live!